Electronic Monitoring Service Options for Participants
Have you been arrested for DUI or another misdemeanor or felony crime?
Do you have a family case and need to show proof of abstinence from drugs or alcohol for child custody or visitation?
Do you have a case needing home detention in one county but you live in another?
LCA can help you explore your options for Electronic Monitoring as an alternative to jail – or as a condition of release or bail. LCA has drug testing and alcohol monitoring solutions for both family and criminal courts. Programs may be voluntary or court ordered.
​We strongly recommend you talk with your attorney today to find out more about options for alcohol monitoring or home detention.
In counties where we have treatment programs, participants are referred by probation for a full range of activities supporting emotional, educational and recovery needs. Individualized services are provided based on a risk/needs assessment and stipulations of the criminal justice system. Our case management approach provides participants with strength- based case plans and support to meet identified goals.
Participants also receive evidence-based program services:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Substance Abuse Treatment
Gender-responsive Services